Entrance Examination for the admission first year of the Professional Bachelor of Science degree programme in Midwifery (MWS) in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2022/2023 academic year

Concours lancés
Locationcameroun Calendar25/07/2022   Concours lancés null

Entrance Examination for the admission first year of the
Professional Bachelor of Science degree programme in Midwifery (MWS) in the Faculty of Health
Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2022/2023 academic year

Article_1: The Entrance Examination for the admission of Sixty (60) students into the .first year of the
Professional Bachelor of Science degree programme in Midwifery (MWS) in the Faculty of Health
Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2022/2023 academic year will take place on
Wednesday 12"October 2022 at the campus of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea.

Article 2:
 The Entrance Examination into the Professional Bachelor of Science dègreè programme in 1
>>Midwifery is open to all Cameroonian candidates who are holders of:
-a G.C.E. Advanced Level in at least two relevant subjects, two of which must be Biology
and Chemistry (Food and Nutrition exempted) and the G.C.E. Ordinary Level in five
subjects in one session including English Language and Mathematics (Religious Knowledge
-a Baccalauréat and Probatoire certificates series Cor D;
-a State Registered Midwife Ccrtifïcate with GCE ordinary levcl passed in five papers
(English Language, Biology, and Mathematics inclusive) and at least two GCE Advanced
Level papers one ofwhich must be Biology.

Article 3:
The complete application files, which must be received at the Admissions and Records
Office of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, PO Box. 12 Buea, by Friday30"
September 2022, and should comprise the following documents:
a) a completed application form obtainable from the office of the Registrar, University of Buea,
upon presentation of a bank receipt of Twenty Thousand Francs CFA (20,000FCFA) addressed
to the "The Accounting Officer, University of Buea."  This sum of money is payable to the

University of Buea bank account: BICEC Buea Account No. 100010 6842
98394742001-23.Registration fees are not refundable. The application form is also available on
the Web Site ofthe Ministry of Higher Education, http/www/mincsup.gov.cm;
b) a certified-true copy ofthe birth certificate dated no more than six months;
c) two (02) recent passport size photographs;
d) certified-true copies of certificates/diplomas (G.C.E. Ordinary and G.C.E. Advanced Level /
Probatoire and Baccalauréat, State Registered Midwife Certificate)
e) certified copies oftranscripts (for candidates with the Baccalauréat and Probatoire certificates).
 Incomplete files will not be considered.

Article 4:

The Entrance Examinatjon will cover topics treated at the G.CE.· Ordinary and G.C.E.
Advanced Level / Probatoite and Baccalauréat in the following areas:
-Physics/Midwifery Sciences, Coef'2 '
-Use of English' . .
-Oral Examination

The study of the candidate's academic background (quality of certificates and transcripts presented)
shall constitute 40% (forty per cent) of the total marks of the Entrance Examination. The writtcn and
oral examinations shall carry the remaining 60% (sixty per cent).

Article 5:
 -Eligible candidates for written and oral papers for the Entrance Examination for the
Midwifery degree programme should be on Campus at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University
of Buea at least one hour before the start of the first subject, with their National identity card or val id
passport. No other form of identification will be accepted.

Article 6:
 The expenditure resulting from this decision will be charged to the budget of the University
of Buea, budgetary charge 620903 for the 2022 financial year.

Article 7:
 The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buea, the Director of University Accreditations
and Quality and the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences are each entrusted with the implementation
of this decision which shall be registered and published in English and French wherever necessary.